⚾️ Celebrate a LEGENDARY Ball Player’s Birthday & 4 More Exciting Moments!
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Have YOU heard?
January 31st is National Hot Chocolate Day? Now that’s something to get STEAMED up about! And here’s a SWEET fact – the Aztecs believed chocolate was a gift from the gods! I guess you could say they were really COCOA-nuts about it! They even used cocoa beans as currency – talk about RICH chocolate!
And speaking of rich, we’re celebrating Jackie Robinson’s birthday! Born on this day in 1919, he didn’t just STRIKE OUT racism in baseball – he was also a six-letter athlete in college! I guess you could say he really COVERED all the BASES! He even played professional football before baseball – now that’s what I call a BALL player!
Here’s something that’ll make you say “HOLY MACKEREL” – did you know that goldfish can tell different types of music apart? They can distinguish between Bach and Stravinsky! I guess you could say they’re really SWIMMING in culture! And here’s the best part – they have a memory span of at least five months.
And have you heard about the Backwards Day celebration? That’s right, January 31st is also National Backwards Day! I guess you could say we’re really TURNING things around! It’s the perfect day to eat dessert first – because why should dinner get all the SPOT-LIGHT first?
And here’s one last fact that’ll make you TRUNK with laughter – elephants can’t jump! They’re the only mammal that can’t get all four feet off the ground at once. I guess you could say they’re really STANDING their ground on that one!
The #1 movie on January 31st 2018 was: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.
💚🎤 #haveyouheard